• Customize

    Create highly personalized products to your specific wishes and desires.
    We offer customization options including size, and color or texture variations, allowing you to design a product that you’ll truly love for your home, office, or public space.
    If you’re interested in exploring these personalized options further, feel free to email us for more details.

  • Colaborate

    Collaborate as a designer or design editor, if you share Jinja’s values of sustainability and craftsmanship, in order to create innovative and eco-friendly products.
    If you have a shop and are interested in stocking Jinja products on a wholesale basis, don’t hesitate to reach out for more information.
    Contact us.

  • Repair

    Built to last, our pieces are handcrafted with great care and precision. However, we know that accidents can happen. If your Jinja piece is in need of repair, you can send it to us for expert repair or, if you prefer DIY, we can guide you through the process with step-by-step instructions.
    Talk with us to know more.